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Mutation is a nonsense point mutation C290T in exon1a, which changes glutamine at residue 61 to a stop codon resulting in a protein truncated at the end of the first extracellular loop. CZ131
Pang, S.C., Wang, H.P., Li, K.Y., Zhu, Z.Y., Kang, J.X., Sun, Y.H. (2014) Double Transgenesis of Humanized fat1 and fat2 Genes Promotes Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Synthesis in a Zebrafish Model. Mar. Biotechnol. 16(5):580-93 CZ133
Between 255 bp and 256 bp of the wild-type ca15b coding sequence, a “C” is inserted. The mutated ca15b codes for a truncated protein containing 90 aa, 85 aa of which are identical to wild-type ca15b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ134
Between 255 bp to 261 bp of the wild-type ca15b coding sequence, GCGTGTG, is deleted. The mutated ca15b codes for a truncated protein containing 127 aa, 84 aa of which is identical to wild-type ca15b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ135
193 bp to 199 bp of the wildtype lbx2 coding sequence, GGGTGCT, is deleted. The mutated lbx2 codes for a truncated protein containing 66 aa, 64 aa of which is identical to wildtype lbx2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ136
176 bp to 192 bp of the wildtype lbx2 coding sequence, GTTTGTGCCCTCCGCGG, is deleted. The mutated lbx2 codes for a truncated protein containing 91 aa, 58 aa of which is identical to wildtype lbx2. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ137
G85 of the wildtype nlcr5 coding sequence is deleted. The mutated nlrc5 codes for a truncated protein containing 52 aa, 28 aa of which is identical to wildtype nlrc5. CZ138
Between 85 bp and 86 bp of the wildtype nlcr5 coding sequence, AGTA, is inserted. The mutated nlrc5 codes for a truncated protein containing 29 aa, 28 aa of which is identical to wildtype nlrc5 CZ140
Between 240 bp to 258 bp of the wild-type lhx2b coding sequence, GTGGCTCTGTGCGCCGG, is deleted. The mutated lhx2b codes for a truncated protein containing 108 aa, 80 aa of which are identical to wildtype lhx2b. Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ141
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