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pTol2(actb1:venus-UTRactb1) beta actin promoter drive venus expression CZP20
pCS2(sp6:mCherry-UTRnanos3) PGC-specific mCherry expression  CZP21
pCS2(sp6:mGFP5-UTRnanos3) PGC-specific mGFP5 expression  CZP22
pTol2(UAS:mCherry-UTRglobin) UAS drive mCherry expression CZP23
133 bp to 136 bp of the wildtype lhx1a coding sequence, CGAG, is mutated into GTT. The mutated lhx1a codes for a protein containing 85 aa, in which only the sequence of the first 44 aa is identical to wildtype Lhx1a. The homozygous mutants die in the larvae stage.  Further MTA needed from the Fish Developmental Biotechnology Lab. CZ24
pCS2(sp6:d2GFP-UTRsv40) d2EGFP is EGFP destabilized by residues 422-461 of mouse ornithine decarboxylase, giving an in vivo half-life of ~2 hours CZP24
Canonical Wnt reporter: Optimal Tcf motif, TOP driving GFP expression. The TOPdGFP reporter construct contains four consensus Lef binding sites and a minimal cFos promoter, driving a destabilized GFP transgene. This reporter should only be transcriptionally active in the presence of both stabilized beta-catenin and Lef/Tcf proteins. CZ25
pTol2(actb1:MCS-UTRactb1) Tol2 Transposable Element, beta actin promoter and multi-clone sites CZP25
pTol2(piwil1:egfp-UTRnanos3) Transgenic construct for specifically label the germ cells from the embryonic stage to adulthood of zebrafish CZP26
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