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Genotype(Background) Construct Allele [previous names] Affected Gene(s) [previous names] Phenotype Genotyping Line Type CZRC Catalog ID Availability
ck2Tg(AB)  Tg(eef1a1l1:Kaede) ck2Tg Brain,hatching glandBrain, central nervous system, eye, hatching gland pdf Transgenic CZ150 Frozen sperm
ck1Tg/+(AB) Tg(mbp:EGFP) ck1Tg[Tg(mbp:EGFP)ck1] myelinating glia, central nervous systemglial cell pdf Transgenic CZ153 Embryos/Adults
vu19Tg/+(AB) Tg(olig2:DsRed2) vu19Tg[Tg(olig2:DsRed2)] Oligodendrocyte, motor neuronmotor neurons pdf Transgenic CZ154 Embryos/Adults
Tg(fbp1:GAL4-VP16;UAS:RFP)(AB) Tg(fbp1:GAL4-VP16;UAS:RFP) pdf Transgenic CZ155 Frozen sperm
ba2Tg/+(AB) Tg(-4.9sox10:EGFP) ba2Tg[Tg(-4.9sox10:EGFP)] premigratory and migrating neural crest cells, jaw cartilagejaw cartilage pdf Transgenic CZ156 Embryos/Adults
zf688Tg(AB) Tg(UAS:RFP) zf688Tg pdf Transgenic CZ157 Frozen sperm
ck3Tg(AB) Tg(-2.2col10a1a:GFP) ck3Tg[Tg(-2.2col10a1a:GFP)] Bone, chondrocytes, osteoblasts, cleithrum,opercle,branchiostegal raycleithrum,opercle,branchiostegal ray pdf Transgenic CZ158 Embryos
ck5Tg/+(AB) Tg(mbpA:GAP-GFP) ck5Tg[Tg(mbp:mGFP) ] myelinating gliacentral nervous system pdf Transgenic CZ159 Frozen sperm
knu3Tg/+(AB) Tg(elavl3:EGFP) knu3Tg[Tg(huc:eGFP)] neurons, nervous systemcentral nervous systemcentral nervous systemaxon tracts pdf Transgenic CZ160 Embryos/Adults
rw0144Tg/+(AB) Tg(UAS:Eco.NfsB-mCherry) rw0144Tg pdf Transgenic CZ163 Frozen sperm
zju5Tg/+(AB) Tg(d113p53:EGFP) zju5Tg embryo bodystrongly upregulated by DNA damage signals in the embryo body pdf Transgenic CZ219 Frozen sperm
cms1Tg/+(AB) Tg(Xla.Eef1a1:mlsEGFP) cms1Tg[Tg(XlEef1a1:mlsEGFP)zf130 ] mitochondrial morphologyMitochondria mitochondrial morphology pdf Transgenic CZ222 Embryos/Adults
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